What are the dates of the SPIFF program?
- SPIFF is valid for purchase orders received from January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025.
What are the SPIFF amounts?
- Earn 3% on all valid commercial orders and 1.5% on all valid GSA orders.
How do I claim my orders?
- Include your Incentive ID# on your Purchase Order, use the online Claim Form, or contact Customer Service.
When must I claim my orders?
- Within 90 days of the order date.
How are SPIFF payments made?
- SPIFF payments are issued monthly via direct deposit. If you opt out of direct deposit, checks will only be issued twice a year (July ‘25/January ‘26). On the last Thursday of each month, your SPIFF payment will be deposited in your account. For example, eligible SPIFF claims made in February will be paid Thursday, March 27. You will receive a statement via email showing your order/payment detail for your records prior to the deposit.
How do I enroll in the Travel program?
- If you are new to the Indiana Furniture Incentives program, click on Enroll Today at www.IndianaFurniture.com/incentives and be sure to check the box that says you have permission from your Dealership to participate in the Travel Program.
How can I claim points for my orders?
- With two ways to claim points, it’s easy! You can put your ID# on your order when the order is placed or go to www.indianafurniture.com/incentives to fill out the claim form online.
How are points calculated?
- For every $1 of Indiana Furniture product ordered, you earn 1 point towards the trip. See Terms & Conditions for full details regarding eligible orders.
Are points communicated regularly?
- Yes! Each month you will receive an email from Indiana Furniture showing your current trip point total as well as the points needed to reach the trip quota. Be sure to set Marketing@IndianaFurniture.com on your approved email address list.
Can I get my point information anytime?
- Sure! Contact us at Marketing@IndianaFurniture.com and we will be happy to look up your current points for the program.
When is the last date to submit orders?
- Orders must be submitted and claimed by the last day published date of the program.
Once the program closes, how soon will I be notified if I qualify for the trip?
- Trip award notifications will be made within 30 days from the close of the program.
Will I receive a 1099 if I accept a Travel award?
Yes, under United States Federal tax Law, all Indiana Furniture winners who have participated in its trip incentive awards program must report the value of their awarded trip as taxable income. Current regulations require that we prepare 1099’s for all salespeople of dealerships operating as a partnership or a proprietorship, but by law Indiana Furniture is not required to file 1099’s for corporations. All Indiana Furniture promotions require attendance at business meetings. You may want to contact your tax counsel regarding reporting this taxable income as it may be possible to offset this income or part thereof as a business expense. The value of this incentive award may be obtained by contacting the controller at our corporate office.