Extend the Life of Your Furniture
Proper care of your office furniture will preserve its value and like-new appearance.
Following are general guidelines for care of your Indiana Furniture products.

Wood Surfaces
Use a damp, soft cloth to dust work surfaces and always wipe with the grain. If you choose to polish, we recommend a non-wax liquid product. Do not use any waxy polish or cleaner. Liquid spills should be wiped up immediately with a soft, damp cloth. Heavy objects such as printers, fax machines, etc. should not be placed directly on the wood surface, but should have felt spacer pads beneath them. Avoid direct sun exposure on wood surfaces as the sun’s rays may cause discoloration or fading of the wood finish. Also avoid exposing your furniture to excessively low or high humidity or extreme temperature variations.

Seating Hard Surfaces
Use a damp, soft cloth to dust hard surfaces and always wipe with the grain. If you choose to polish, we recommend a non-wax liquid product. Do not use any waxy polish or cleaner.
Protect seating from direct sun exposure as the sun’s rays may cause discoloration or fading of upholstery and wood finishes.

Laminate Surfaces
Use a damp, soft cloth with a mild soap and water solution to clean laminate work surfaces, and always wipe with the grain. Dry with a soft cloth to avoid spotting or streaking. Do not use any waxy polish or cleaner. Liquid spills should be wiped up immediately with a soft, damp cloth.

Acrylic Screens + Panels
To wipe down, apply enough water to lightly moisten a soft dust cloth and wipe evenly across the sheet. For heavier buildup removal, you can wash the material by using a small amount of plastic cleaner, mild soap, or detergent with lukewarm water and apply light pressure. It is critical, when cleaning, that a clean, soft cloth is used to avoid micro-scratches.

Glass Surfaces
Simply clean glass doors or tops using a cleaning solution, like Windex, and a clean, non-abrasive sponge, paper towel, or microfiber cloth.
Mist your top surface or door with the cleaning solution. Gently wipe the solution from the glass.