What is TIPS?
A Purchasing Cooperative with over a Decade of Experience with National Manufacturers on Contract & Multiple Awarded Vendors by Category.
Purchasing is a necessary activity for any business or organization. TIPS provides a proven process to eliminate purchasing-related stress for governmental entities.
TIPS is the purchasing cooperative of Region 8 Education Service Center, the Lead Public Agency.
Membership is FREE with no purchasing obligation or liabilty. Members gain immediate access to our competitively procured contracts with quality vendors.
TIPS has the legislative authority to establish contracts for government and education agencies nationwide.

Who the Contract Serves:
The benefits of using TIPS are available to Education, Government and Non-Profit Agencies:
- Education: K-12 School Districts, Charter Schools, Universities, Private Schools, Colleges, Special Education Districts, and more.
- Government: Cities, Counties, States & State Agencies, Federal Agencies, Emergency Service Districts, Park & Water Districts, Native American Tribes, Transportation Authorities, and more.
- Non-Profit: Churches, Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Member Associations, Charitable Organizations, and more.
Leveraging Relationships
- Select the Vendor desired to purchase from & work with
- TIPS is always available to assist in the process & confirm pricing
Full-Line Contract Solutions
- Choose the products & services desired
Quality Pricing
- Avoid low-bids and low-quality awards
- Receive national volume, ceiling-based, discounted pricing
- Submit your own RFQ and specs through our Member Portal in one easy step

Become A TIPS Member.
TIPS MEMBERS are able to save time and money without the delay and expense because TIPS completes the competitive bid process for you.
The membership process is FAST, FRIENDLY, and FREE!