Aura Reception

Welcoming environments start with furniture that’s warm and inviting. Create a customized work environment through flexible combinations of shells, components, and work surfaces that address multiple configurations. Subtle details allow for a personalized look or seamless blending with any of our standard casegood offerings.
Aura Reception shown in Medium Oak with Glass Transaction Counter. Isla shown in Ultrafabrics Montage Silver Ash with Aluminum Legs and Medium Oak Table Tops.
Aura Reception, Aura Table, and Madera Occasional Tables shown in Artisan Walnut. Clutch shown in Green Hides Sierra White and Britta Guest Seating shown in Maharam Pebble Wool Birch with Artisan Walnut.
Aura Reception shown in Sunglow Walnut with Aluminum Beam Pulls and Snow White Solid Surface Transaction Counter.
Aura Table and Reception shown in Columbian Walnut with Aluminum Beam Pulls and Fluted Edge. Clutch showin Ultraleather White.
Aura Reception shown in Java Wenge (discontinued).
Aura Reception shown in Sunglow Walnut with Java Wenge Overlay (discontinued) and Designer White Transaction Counter.
Aura Reception shown in Artisan Walnut with Designer White Overlay.
Aura Reception shown in Sunglow Walnut with Designer White Transaction Counter.

Features & Benefits

Welcoming Environments.

Create a customized reception and work area through flexible combinations and configuration options.

Create a Presence.

Available in select grade cherry, walnut, maple, and composite veneers, with optional laminate, solid surface, and glass features.

Easy Personalization.

Modular components, a broad range of pull and edge profiles, transaction counters, tackboards, and overlay panels make personalizing easy.

Seamless Style.

Pair Aura Reception with Aura Tables or Gesso Casegoods for a seamless look across your facility.


Statement of Line

Glass Top for Transaction Counters on Return Shells (62-58SOG, 62-64SOG, 62-70SOG, 62-76SOG, 62-82SOG, 62-88SOG)

Glass Top for Transaction Counters on Return Shells (62-58SOG, 62-64SOG, 62-70SOG, 62-76SOG, 62-82SOG, 62-88SOG)

Modular Pedestal with Box/Box/File (62-2418PD1)

Modular Pedestal with Box/Box/File (62-2418PD1)

Modular Pedestal with File/File (62-2418PD2)

Modular Pedestal with File/File (62-2418PD2)

Modular Pedestal with Single Door Bookcase (Left: 62-2418PD4L; Right: 62-2418PD4R)

Modular Pedestal with Single Door Bookcase (Left: 62-2418PD4L; Right: 62-2418PD4R)

Modular Pedestal with Lateral Files (62-2430LF1, 62-2436LF1)

Modular Pedestal with Lateral Files (62-2430LF1, 62-2436LF1)

Modular Pedestal with Multi-File (62-2430MF1, 62-2436MF1)

Modular Pedestal with Multi-File (62-2430MF1, 62-2436MF1)

Modular Pedestal with Double Door Bookcase (62-2430DB, 62-2436DB)

Modular Pedestal with Double Door Bookcase (62-2430DB, 62-2436DB)

Center Drawer for Reception Desk Shells (62-1622CD)

Center Drawer for Reception Desk Shells (62-1622CD)

Reception Desk Shell Tackboards (TB-6260, TB-6266, TB-6272, TB-6278, TB-6284, TB-6290, TB-6296)

Reception Desk Shell Tackboards (TB-6260, TB-6266, TB-6272, TB-6278, TB-6284, TB-6290, TB-6296)


Materials + Options

Indiana Furniture Seating WH Designer White
Designer White (WH) - Seating Finish
Indiana Furniture Finish SC Sugar Cookie
Sugar Cookie (SC) - Seating Finish

Indiana Furniture Bevel Edge B Light Maple
Bevel (B)
Bullnose Edge D IndianaFurniture LightMapleFinish
Bullnose (D)
Indiana Furniture Flute Edge X Light Maple
Flute (X)
Indiana Furniture Phoenix Edge O Light Maple Finish
Phoenix (O)
Indiana Furniture Radius Edge A Light Maple Finish
Radius (A)
Indiana Furniture Square Edge Y Light Maple Finish
Square (Y)
Indiana Furniture Tail Edge Z Light Maple Finish
Tail (Z)
Indiana Furniture Tri-Round Edge E Light Maple Finish
Tri-Round (E)
Indiana Furniture Waterfall Edge N Light Maple Finish
Waterfall (N)

Indiana Furniture Veneer AW Artisan Walnut
Artisan Walnut (AW) - Veneer
Indiana Furniture Veneer AS Asian Night
Asian Night (AS) - Veneer
 Indiana Furniture Veneer CO Columbian Walnut
Columbian Walnut (CO) - Veneer
Indiana Furniture Veneer DC Dark Cherry
Dark Cherry (DC) - Veneer
Indiana Furniture Veneer DFW Dark Forest Walnut
Dark Forest Walnut (DFW) - Veneer
Indiana Furniture Veneer EW Espresso Walnut
Espresso (EW) - Veneer
Indiana Furniture Veneer FO Fawn Oak
Fawn Oak (FO) - Veneer
Indiana Furniture Veneer GC Golden Cherry
Golden Cherry (GC) - Veneer
Veneer HNW Indiana Furniture Henna Walnut.jpg
Henna Walnut (HNW) - Veneer
Indiana Furniture Veneer LW Legacy Walnut
Legacy Walnut (LW) - Veneer
Indiana Furniture Veneer MW Mahogany Walnut
Mahogany Walnut (MW) - Veneer
Indiana Furniture Mesa Sunset
Mesa Sunset (MAS) - Veneer
Indiana Furniture Metropolis Sky
Metropolis Sky (MTS) - Veneer
Indiana Furniture Veneer ORW Oak Riftwood
Oak Riftwood (ORW) - Veneer
Indiana Furniture Pinnacle Walnut
Pinnacle Walnut (PNW) - Veneer
Indiana Furniture Veneer SCH Select Cherry
Select Cherry (SCH) - Veneer
Indiana Furniture Veneer SKC Shaker Cherry
Shaker Cherry (SKC) - Veneer
Indiana Furniture Veneer SM Sugar Maple
Sugar Maple (SM) - Veneer
Indiana Furniture Veneer WTA Weathered Ash
Weathered Ash (WTA) - Veneer
Indiana Furniture Veneer WC Williamsburg Cherry
Williamsburg Cherry (WC) - Veneer

Indiana Furniture Laminate AS Asian Night
Asian Night (AS)
Indiana Furniture Laminate CO Columbian Walnut
Columbian Walnut (CO)
Indiana Furniture Laminate EF Espresso
Espresso (EF)
Indiana Furniture Laminate GC Golden Cherry
Golden Cherry (GC)
Indiana Furniture Laminate MW Mahogany Walnut
Mahogany Walnut (MW)
Indiana Furniture Laminate ORW Oak Riftwood
Oak Riftwood (ORW)
Laminate PNW Indiana Furniture Pinnacle Walnut
Pinnacle Walnut (PNW)
Indiana Furniture Laminate SCH Select Cherry
Select Cherry (SCH)
Indiana Furniture Laminate SKC Shaker Cherry
Shaker Cherry (SKC)
Indiana Furniture Laminate SM Sugar Maple
Sugar Maple (SM)
Indiana Furniture Laminate WTA Weathered Ash
Weathered Ash (WTA)
Indiana Furniture Laminate WC Williamsburg Cherry
Williamsburg Cherry (WC)

Indiana Furniture AAV Alcove Pull Aluminum
Alcove, Aluminum (AAV) - 5.875"
Indiana Furniture CAV Alcove Pull Chrome
Alcove, Chrome (CAV) – 5.875″
IndianaFurniture AAC Arc Pull Aluminum
Arc, Aluminum (AAC) - 5"
Indiana Furniture BAC Arc Pull Black
Arc, Black (BAC) – 5″
Indiana Furniture ABM Beam Pull Aluminum
Beam, Aluminum (ABM) – 10.25″
Indiana Furniture BBM Beam Pull Black
Beam, Black (BBM) – 10.25″
Indiana Furniture BBT Bow Tie Pull Black
Bow Tie, Black (BBT) – 5.5″
Indiana Furniture NBT Bow Tie Pull Nickel
Bow Tie, Nickel (NBT) – 5.5″
Indiana Furniture ABU Buckle Pull Aluminum
Buckle, Aluminum (ABU) – 4.75″
Indiana Furniture BBU Buckle Pull Black
Buckle, Black (BBU) – 4.75″
Indiana Furniture AEL Elite Pull Aluminum
Elite, Aluminum (AEL) – 5″
Indiana Furniture BEL Elite Pull Black
Elite, Black (BEL) – 5″
Indiana Furniture AFL Flair Pull Aluminum
Flair, Aluminum (AFL) – 5.375″
Indiana Furniture CFL Flair Pull Chrome
Flair, Chrome (CFL) – 5.375″
Indiana Furniture AFC Focus Pull Aluminum
Focus, Aluminum (AFC) – 4.625″
Indiana Furniture BFC Focus Pull Black
Focus, Black (BFC) – 4.625″
Indiana Furniture AQD Quadra Pull Aluminum
Quadra, Aluminum (AQD) – 4″
Indiana Furniture AQD Quadra Pull Aluminum
Quadra, Black (BQD) – 4″

Indiana Furniture Solid Surface AR Arroyo
Arroyo (AR)
Indiana Furniture Solid Surface PE Pebble Beach
Pebble Beach (PE)
Indiana Furniture Solid Surface SE Sedona
Sedona (SE)
Indiana Furniture Solid Surface SW Snow White
Snow White (SW)
Indiana Furniture Solid Surface SN Starry Night
Starry Night (SN)
Indiana Furniture Solid Surface TN Tundra
Tundra (TN)

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